Sunday, July 13, 2008

4c Group Relections revised #2 Tobar

Transients In Paradise by Aimee liu

I read Ronnie Bowers description of the story. This story was about life in Beverly Hills. The author describes the contrast of people from housekeepers taking a bus to get to work and then there are "trophy wives" driving Range Rovers and cutting off Hondas with handicapp license plates. I think the author said it all in that description. There was another line that Ronnie enjoyed; "We are all transients of one kind of another. On our way into or out of wealth, into or out of sanity,beauty,love ,health or death." I agree and appreciate it also.

Ode to Caltrans
By Hector Tobar

Hector was the first generation American born. His parents were from Guatemala and settled in Southern California somewhere off the Hollywood Freeway. Hector became amazed with maps of Southern California and especially the freeways of Southern California while growing up.
My favorite statement was “where busses and tanker trucks could float for a moment or two in the California sky” page 58.
This story made me think of the freeways in San Francisco where I grew-up; it kind of brought back fond memories of my child hood.
The one thing that I didn’t know before I read this story was how many Caltrans workers have lost their lives on the freeways of Los Angeles. I never realized what a hazardous job that was.

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