Thursday, June 26, 2008

2a San Francisco

San Francisco is one of the leading tourist destinations. 16 million tourist visited the city in 2007 making San Francisco one of the Top Ten Tourist Destinations. Being born and raised in San Francisco, I think I am a little partial by saying "San Francisco is one of the Best Cities In The World". This city has such an ethnic diversity and has it's own California Culture. Just because San Francisco is in California does not mean it has any similarity to Los Angeles. As far as I am concerned, San Francisco is a one of a kind with all of the ethnic neighborhoods and their food, music and shops you feel as though you are not in the United States although San Francisco is only 230 square miles. The best part of San Francisco is the people, the lifestyles of everyone differs so much but it doesn't really matter because there is definitely a San Franciscan cohesiveness that is blind to race, religion, wealth and sexual orientation, this all may sound too good to be true but it really exists.

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